23/03/2025 - 23rd of Adar, 5785 - Parashat Pekudei- Maqam : Bayat ▸ Nawah


Tefillah or prayer is not only a mitzvah, it is a privilege and a gift from Hashem. A Tefillah can be an exciting, emotional and uplifting experience. It is a miraculous power Hashem created in all His kindness and wisdom; it allows you to tap and activate the infinite blessings He has in store for us.

Whatever are your current goals in life, may it be health, zivug, ability to raise children’s, wisdom, wealth, Shalom or anything… Tefillah is the tried and proved method to make it happen.

Our goal is to help everyone looking to learn, improve, and perfect his prayers with the proper Ta’amim on the traditional Nusach of Aram Sobra (Halab – Sephardi – Edot ha’Mizrach).

The original website AprendaTefilah.com was created in Portuguese to the local Brazilian holy community. Baruch Hashem the website was a tremendous success, with worldwide access! We though we could help even more people if we moved the website to English a more universally accepted language… and this is how Aprenda Tefilah became Learn Tefillah.

Prayers are recited by the great rabanim and hazzanim of the Syrian community in the diaspora including Brooklyn, Panama and Sao Paulo.

We have the great privilege to make available the prayers recorded by the Hacham Baruch Ben Haim ZTL (1921-2005) and Hacham Abraham Chreim ZTL ( – 2014).

Hacham Baruch Ben Haim ZTL started his studies at the age of 11 in Yeshiva Porat Yossef under the great rabbi Hacham Ezra Attieh ZTL. He was part of the “wonder class” as became known his class, which included Hacham Ovadia Yossef ZTL and Hacham Sion Levy ZTL and Hacham Zion Abba Shaul ZTL among other leaders and giants of the 20th century. In 1950 he accepted the position as rabbi of the Syrian community in Brooklin, NY.

Hacham Abraham Chreim ZTL arrived from Halab to Panamá in 1973, he was the head hazzan, and also shochet, right hand, and successor of the great chief rabbi Sion Levy ZTL. He was known to be very humble. In parallel of his office in the rabbinate, he also worked as a merchant in the Colon Duty free zone, since he did not accept a salary from the community.

We thank each and everyone involved in this project, that dedicated time and effort to make this project a reality.

We thank specially the website pizmonim.org for providing many recordings for the website, their digital library has a wealth of content for further references on many tefillot and pizmonim. We would also like to thank Sepharadic Heritage Foundation, Abraham B. Walzer, and Succath David for their permission to publish excerpt of the siddurim on Learn Tefillah.